Do you know that Cervical Cancer can be vaccinated against?
This month, Power Over Cervical Cancer (POCC) will be rallying for the support of bloggers to help raise awareness for the only vaccine-preventable cancer.
Thanks to Nuffnang, I get to learn about the campaign to protect all the women namely, Power Over Cervical Cancer (POCC)...Cervical Cancer is really a cancer of neglect. Although Cervical Cancer is the only female cancer that can be prevented, however, only two percent of Singapore's women are vaccinated against this fatal disease.
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So what is cervical cancer?
A woman's cervix is located at the lower part of the womb and consists of millions of tiny cells. Sometimes, changes can occur in these cells. In many cases, the cells spontaneously recover. However, in some cases, these changes in the cells develop into cancer. Cervical cancer can be prevented if these precancerous changes are detected and treated.
According to Health Promotion Board (Singapore):
Cervical cancer is the 5th most common cancer among Singaporean women. Every year, about 200 women are detected with cervical cancer and about 100 die from the disease.
The incidence of cervical cancer in Singapore has declined from 18.1 in 1968 to 10.6 per 100,000 women in 2002. Among the three major ethnic groups in Singapore , Chinese has the highest incidence rate of 11.5 per 100,000 women per year, followed by the Malays and Indians at 7.4 and 6.1 per 100,000 women respectively.
You can find out more information about Cervical Cancer by visiting
Do you know that?
1) A pap smear.
Cervical Cancer can take anytime from 10-20 years to develop but before that, pre-cancer cells develop and CAN be detected by a Pap smear. A pap smear can help detect any abnormality. This is really important as detection in the early stages can help prevent cancer. Cervical cancer CAN be treated if detected early.
2) A HPV vaccination
A Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccination helps stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies that protect against HPV types which causes cancer.
What can you do about it?
1.) Start with YOURSELF
2.) Go for Pap smears every 1-3years and protect yourself with a Cervical Cancer vaccination.
3.) Consult your family doctor on getting vaccinated against Cervical Cancer or you may also go to to check out a list of doctors that provide this.
Power Over Cervical Cancer is a campaign that aims to make Singapore the country with the lowest incidence of Cervical Cancer and they need your help to spread the word. Pledge your support for this cause and protect those you care about by telling them about Cervical Cancer. Together, we have POWER Over Cervical Cancer. Click the button below to begin!
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