Friday, February 4, 2011

Skinny Player - A Band Aid looking MP3 Player is Powered by Body Heat

=) What a restful day...I found a very interesting thing called the Skinny Player when one of Dan's friend gave a link on

I quickly went on google and found a few sites that was talking about it...

What is so great about Skinny Player? It looks great and just like a band aid...Jogging was the perfect usage...You don't need to use a head phone cos it has its own speakers at the sides...You don’t need batteries because the device will be using your body heat as the source of energy...a cool looking Play/Pause button.

Skinny Player concept is designed for repeat stick on and off, so you could stick and take off whenever the device gets stained or dirty. Looks perfect but its not in the market still...

Found from

Chih-Wei Wang and Shou-His Fu are designer from China who make the MP3 player with the design specially and unique. It named Skinny Player, the music player does not need to be pinned on the shirt, belt, or dikantungi. Simply attached to the skin of the user, like a plaster bandage.

Both of designers claim that MP3 player that designed will not lose its adhesive power even if has been installed and removed as many as a hundred times from the skin.

As quoted from Discovery, December 3, 2010, in addition can taped to the skin, MP3 player also does not require batteries. To work, Skinny Player requires only heat from the human body.

From the circulated information , Skinny Player only has the on / off and flexible speaker who can dilekuk according to body surface that is attached with MP3 player.

Not yet known how the user can adjust the volume of music produced, but the estimated amount of memory that used was not large. It designed simply to keep an album of music.

The technical information that available about this MP3 player and how the body heat can be used to supply power also not yet available. However, small size, flexible and can be taped on the skin makes Skinny Player is touted suitable for use by those who like gymnastics or jogging one morning while accompanied by music.

I would have tought that such amazing gadget is another Apple's work...Can't wait to see it out in the market....